(Rtd) Fishery Scientist, CMFRI, India
Joined as Scientist in Central Mariner Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Govt. of India from 1966 onwards till 2006. Conducted research works on fishery biology of Skipjack tuna from Lakshadweep, sharks from South India and commercially important bivalves of Kerala. Worked on taxonomy, ecobiology, molluscan biodiversity, aquaculture of molluscs and transfer of bivalve farming technologies and pearl production. Developed farming technology for mussel. Edible oyster, pearl oysters, pearl production and gastropods in the coastal waters. Got PhD from University of Kerala for the work on ecobiology of clam. Demonstrated the techno-economic viability of bivalve farming through farm trials in different parts of the country with participation of fisher folk.
Hatchery seed production of mussel, edible oyster, pearl oyster and ornamental gastropods were developed and upgraded. Did detailed survey of potential stock of clams from Ashtamudi Lake and Vembanad Lake in Kerala. Studied the ecology and distribution of mulluscs from Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. At present functioning as Fishery Expert to the Govt. of Kerala in the capacity of honorary member of various committee deciding aquaculture policies and inland fishery development. Works along with WWF of India in the pre-assessment of oil-sardine and Ashtamudi short necked clam for MSC Certification. Participated in the fishery Improvement program and worked as assessor for full assessment along with Team leader. Did three surveillance audit along with the team leader for MSC Certification of Ashtamudi Short necked clam. Expert member in the clam resource management council which looks into the conservation and management of clam resources of major water bodies of Kerala.
Email: kkakuttan@yahoo.co.in